We’re Cambridge-affiliated experts who live and think outside the box.

Change isn’t only theoretical or academic for us - we have decades of experience working on the frontlines of social issues. We understand the challenges organisations face when trying to create meaningful impact, because we’ve faced them - and found innovative ways to overcome them - ourselves.

Dr. Simon Dwight

Dr. Simon Dwight has worked on social issues for 20 years, from his beginning as a frontline homeless support worker, to his more recent roles both as CEO of a groundbreaking non-profit and specialist advisor to the UK national government.

As chief executive of a homeless and refugee charity, Simon collaborated with the UN to design a highly effective alternative to detention programme for refugees and asylum seekers. In the same role, he conceived a new housing model for homeless clients which collaborated with local governments to use empty homes for accommodation, de-institutionalising clients and minimising barriers to entering mainstream society - garnering media attention and winning awards on a national level.

As a specialist advisor to the government, Simon was part of the team responsible for delivering the Everyone In policy, which accommodated close to 70,000 people who would have otherwise been sleeping on the streets, effectively ending street homelessness during the Covid pandemic.

Simon won a scholarship to undertake a Masters degree in Social Innovation at Cambridge University, conducting ethnographic research into how the homeless construct meaning out of interventions designed to help them. He also won a scholarship from Harvard Business School of London to study Nonprofit Management at Harvard, followed by a research tour of the USA.

Most recently, Simon’s doctoral work further explores leadership, organisational culture and social impact. 

We see problems differently.

We’ve all heard that cliché about the definition of insanity; if the same old things aren’t working, why are we still doing them? We take pride in approaching problems from new angles so we can create solutions no one else has thought of.

Our Values

We were made for community.

Keeping people in silos doesn’t work; everyone deserves the opportunity to move up and out. Our aim is to build systems and structures that offer people the mobility to leave negative situations and find communities where they can thrive.

There’s no such thing as a hopeless case.

We’re energized by the seemingly impossible. When a problem seems like a lost cause, or no one else wants to step up…that’s where we come alive.

How we do things is just as important as what we do.

We’re interested in people - not drones. By building cultures that are co-produced, we include everyone and find longer lasting solutions (plus, everything is just a little more fun).